Why Exercise Won't Make You Thin -
Time Magazine 2009 article on why the belief persist that exercise leads
to weight loss, given all the scientific evidence to the contrary.
Why exercise won't make you thin -
Exercise has minor effect on weight loss, according to growing body
of research. The Observer 2010 article suggests that exercise has
been shown to be ineffective when it comes to losing weight –
dieting is a better route.
Weighing the Evidence on Exercise
New York Times 2010 article indicates that a growing body of science
suggests that exercise does have an important role in weight loss.
Change your eating habits
In order to lose weight and maintain your ideal weight once you
reach it, you are going to have to change your eating habits.
List of high-fiber foods
When you eat foods that are high in fiber they slow down the rate of
digestion. It also helps with the feeling full and not being hungry.
Nutrition coaching
They are what some people call a “nutrition education company”.
The Four Keys to Weight Loss See the advice I received from
a certified fitness instructor. Mrs. Ross is an expert at evaluating
and assessing nutrition and exercise routines and making the
necessary changes in order to maximize efficiency and expedite
weight loss.